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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Baby Got Back?

*Disclaimer* I'm warning you, in this blog I use words such as butt, boobs and whore. Was it really necessary to use such language? Yes, it was and I'm stickin' to it. So...I warned you!

Do you ever wonder why we as girls wear short shorts, skimpy dresses or low cut shirts? I say we, but I don't mean myself because actually compared to most of the female population in Austin, TX I feel like I dress like a nun, some might say too modest but I like to work it. I will say we throughout this blog post though just because I don't want to leave myself out, I feel I am just as guilty as the next when it comes to being an attention whore in some aspects of my life, so no I am not perfect therefore I am not exempt. Yes, I said whore, that might possibly be awkward but I feel as if it is the perfect word to use, so please accept it. OK, going back to my first point. Why do girls wear those short "hoochie" shorts? I can tell you right now, there is probably no practical reason for having your butt cheeks hang out, let's be honest. Do they think that during the summer if their rear is hanging out of their shorts, they suddenly feel 10 degrees cooler? No? OK then there is no reason to have that exposed. There is a reason they say "where the sun don't shine" when they are talking about your butt, because us normal American girls don't want the sun shining please, keep it in the shade. How about skimpy dresses? You know the ones where it look like you accidentally raided the clearance rack at Gap Kids? How is a skimpy dress practical? You can't bend over, you can't run, and you can't walk up stairs without flashing everyone below you and you pretty much can't go anywhere that there might be a possibility of the wind actually blowing. And last but definitely not least, low cut shirts. Did I miss the memo on this one? Do you gain some sort of super human power by having your boobs exposed? As far as I can tell this one isn't practical at all, and you are just showing off something that we already have, so we don't care to see it. They make regular shirts, that fit regular people for a reason, so let's all embrace them and wear them.

This little rant and rave might seem kind of random, genius, but still random. Actually, it is response to an article I just read on AOL news about a female sports reporter who "claims" she was sexually harassed with catcalls in the locker room of the Jet's football team while conducting an interview. Now, I am not justifying that type of behavior from a guy, but when you dress the way she does and flaunt your assets (see attached picture), what do you expect? I am a girl and I don't even take women who are sports reporters and dress like that seriously. I can guarantee she wasn't dressing like that to prove that she was just so smart, nope she was dressing like that to gain attention. How do I know? Because I've done it too, except with a lot less boob and not as much butt, I like to dress for attention in my own sort of nunnery kinda way.

So where is this all going Traci? Why all the hostility? Well, because it bothers me that girls dress provocatively and then get upset when they get verbally harassed. Really? What were you expecting, for people to sing your praises? Nope, all we see is boob, and more boob, so that charming, caring and kind personality you have is overshadowed by that onesie you are wearing. I am not a man, obviously, so therefore I do not think like a man but I do know that we have to be sensitive to what sets them off. It also bothers me that girls dress like that to family friendly environments. Please don't subject everyone to seeing that. Please. I know this is gross, but next time you are tempted to show off 95% of your flesh just imagine what it feels like to have your dad looking at that. Gross right? Right. So just tell yourself: "By dressing like that I am grossing people out." Easy solution? I'd like to think so but I know I will have those who disagree.

I feel bad attaching a Bible verse to this post. Mainly because I feel like what I said can come off as a whole lot of bashing. But it was all out of love, because once you realize that your body isn't all that, and will one day shrivel up, you will still have a peace with the type of woman God has created you to be. When I think of creation, I think of things I can touch, feel and see and I forget to describe us as being created to be kind, intelligent, selfless and compassionate. I think if God felt that our looks were as important as we think they are, He wouldn't have given us a verse that convinces us to think otherwise:

"I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God." -1 Timothy 2:9-10

So there is it, plain and simple. No if-s or but-s about it. So the next time I am getting dressed, I will think: "Is this outfit appropriate for someone who professes to worshiping God?" Convicting, isn't it?

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